Thursday, November 8, 2012

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Drafted plan, 《labor method revision bill 》 drafted plan and 《election law revision bill 》 drafted plan.Rules any ordinance of the dynasty has to report congress by the form of drafted plan at promulgating Dan according to the China.Just deliberating to pass rear through the congress can be formally registered for the record to edit by the cabinet.The bill has to also report one more on the congress after completely editing to complete, through go to after congresses approve, so as to formally promulgate.Consequently at China dynasty a promulgation of ordinance must ast least also spend time in about a year.The bill exception been certainly ordered by impress Qing to criticize to show.However from China toward founding a state up to now Sun Lou didn't°yet at lawmaking of problem up once used privilege as to it's carry on an interference.However as today mention of these three drafted plans to say, Sun Lou feel that oneself has a necessity to want toward the liege men order to stir for a while.Because 《help a poverty method 》 drafted plans in it with 《labor method revision bill 》 drafted plan, she before early has been already heard already.
But see the noodles beginning that Sun Lou be the minister sons slightly turn over drafted plan, is confirming after the circumstance that oneself understands is really true, she took out one part of items in 《labor method revision bill 》 drafted plan to wait a person inquiry way to Huang Zong Xi:"Everybody Qing house, you this is writing wrong?"
Give impress so on asking, Huang Zong Xi waits a person hurriedly and gathers together to come forward cautiously after tooking a look with extremely affirm of tone answer way:"Return to his majesty, these items have no mistake."
"Is not there any mistake?That what is this ?"Sun Lou points at 1 in the drafted plan to ask a way by the tone responsibility for making fun of:"The high wages limit?Is allied dimmed eyesight?"
"Return to his majesty, you didn't see wrong, is the really high wages limit."Attach this time and of is Luo to win.But listen to he follow an explanation way again:"His majesty's outrunning the wages of laboring the value is behavior that breaks a market.Pay a large amount of wages proceed thus unfair competition.So minister etc. thinks to carry on limiting to the wages.Otherwise imperial industry and wealth will be subjected to threat.Certainly our standard is after strict survey with approve officially.Is an integration drafted plan in still stipulated city and village and account the wages rate that a labor and day labor.Stipulate village worker the on the payroll term should be a year, worker in the city then should on the payroll in the labor on the market."
Ear the listenning to Luo winning elegant and stately throw an a heap of reason for"the high wages limit", Sun Lou cans not help a bit in distress situation, but see her tiny to recover emotion to follow openings to say:"Luo Qing house you think that reason like this can say congress, it can let world do the common people accept?Unite to still keep hearing to have for the first time'the high wages limit'so one thing!"
The eye sees the tone of impress become scathing, Chen Jia of the one side clearly quickly dozen circle field way:"The his majesty stops anger.In fact'the high wages limit'be not what fresh matter, is using in almost each nation in Europe currently'the high wages limit'this usual practice.English, method two countries even return will'the high wages limit'directly wrote into theirs 《labor method 》 ."

The second Wu saint idea labor of section 233 method suffers a defeat to say that Chen Jia of saint keeps speech clearly

The European adopts "the high wages limit", so we also want to practice "the high wages limit".How let the reason that people acquaint with.But compare after more than 300 years the speak of type impressive-looking of those"usher in advanced system", and"BE in line with nations"...etc., at present Luo wins to wait the explanation of"boycott an unfair competition" of person to obviously want to keep white Chien clearly get many.Is original, capital of original backlog like this shameless but again bloodily make a living.Although the media of the China dynasty is still unlikely the public opinion like Europe threw away the last shame heart and conscience so, Tian have no sense of shame of vaunt the whole regard as the mean behavior of capital backlog means.However face the capital backlog that European's pattern are of a great variety means, the financial magnates of China as if as well impossibly the sage generally sit on the sideline disregard.Came up to say from a certain meaning, the financial magnates the Jin Shens of China dynasty started cutting and polishing to pass lawmaking to make capital backlog of some very the means legalize, equally be truely also marking that the China is toward getting into handicraft industry period in the industrial plant on the mindset.
Can perfectly right Sun Lou's in the mind pretty much clear, from the capital arrives at a human life, it from head to foot, each pore all the drop wear blood and dirty thing.But her conscience with as the Caesarean job still make her hard to be like other rulers in this ages so and gladly will such a be full of to exploit to reveal to the public with beguiling 《labor method 》 .But see her right away drafted plan to table a throw a way:"The European once does of matter I wait and then need with behind again do 1 time?A height of occupation wages should be decided by the supply and demand of market.Be like "the high wages limit" so artificial unfair competition for interfering with not only indelibility, on the contrary will let the common people's living be subjected to loss."
The eye sees impress on changing the attitude of the complaisance in the past days and rejected the bill " the high wages limit" by almost scathing tone, momentary Luo wins, Huang Zong Xi and Chen Jia clearly can not help all for of the language filled, especially Huang Zong Xi.In fact he also felt "the high wages limit" in the beginning the item like this was excessively some.However is Ling south, Chiang-Nan a financial magnate still a newly arisen northern Jin Shen of doyen no matter a series of look like the resolution of "not agreeing with is logical" at this up but all put to unanimously agree with of attitude.Not only such, let what Huang Zong Xi tumbles glasses BE, the economists of college of commerce even still listed a series to in details reason logically for item Luo of this"not agreeing with is logical", beg certificate rationality from the theory for it.Huang Zong Xi doesn't know if such a 《labor method 》 be carried out in the oneself's hand, people of future generations will how treat himself/herself.However at the moment of he more for concern he to connect down how to go back and forth and of impress and congress.Because obviously the impress just had already vetoed "the high wages limit" by extremely explicit attitude.May connect down to there are also more items being vetoed by the impress.Can do those positive elongations of the parliamentarians that continuously rushed through everywhere from the empire outside the temple wear neck to wait for 《labor method revision bill 》 being lifted a proposal.
Three heavy ministers of proper impress sink into because of embarrassed silent of, a side sees just earnest Yang Yu Xuan suddenly don't understand of to mother inquiry way:"Mother, since the height of wages should be decided by the supply and demand of market, that why do you at the beginning still need to stipulate lowest wages?If the passing years doesn't help, some professions appear depression, the mill-owner could not pay enough wages how do?"
Yang Yu Xuan's asking undoubtedly is a to help rice straw in time to three present minister sons.But see the words Chi that Luo win to follow and then once connected emperor's eldest son way:"His majesty, his highness talks a pole BE, in regard to textile industry, you built up the first cloth factory to rise at new Anne in those early years from the his majesty, now at present Central plains the cloth factory of the numerous and densely spread out have been not next 1,000,000 everywhere,beats by dre uk.Under the competition of vehemence, the his majesty"lowest wages limit" you set in those early years has become the burden of great majority mill-owner.His majesty, minister etc. perhaps continuously for a long time hence next go to will to empire of industrial creation disadvantage influence."
However face a son to confuse of ask to"deplore greatly" with minister son of offer suggestion, Sun Lou still seems to be a town quiet abnormality.But see the answer way that she is tiny to raise chin toward the son:"Is quite good, I of so the meeting does so, is proceeding from for showing consideration to common people.Not only is lowest wages this, other such as the ordinance like the industrial injury protection, basic man-hour etc. as well is proceed from same truth.Xuan son you have to remember, the labor is another troops who should take good care of.They for the country the contribution that does in the house bear comparison with the officers and men that courageously fights for the empire bath of blood.Now that the physically disabled of troops soldier, can get bereavement pay, why labor not ability?As for because the lowest wages limit arouses a mill-owner management difficult problem, I can Don't mention it say by milli- as an an experienced hand, all of that are the problem that each mill-owner conducts means.See an item make money and go up an investment for a hurtling of nest breeze and certainly appear a vigorous competition, profits' immediately lowering is also an in clear and ordered pattern matter and close me of"lowest wages limit" what matter!"
Listen to the polemic of finishing the Sun Lou such this time, Yang Yu Xuan submits gladly of ordered to nod.In his eyes the mother's answer has reason to have according to.Especially that" Related articles:

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